podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Everyone is talking about iDubbbz and how he is now a simp because his girlfriend has an OnlyFans account. One of those prominent voices criticizing his simpitude is that of Dick Masterson (Dax Herrera). There is just one problem, Dick has become a huge internet lolcow, and is a simp himself. I h...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Ruphileaks has ruined my sleep schedule/ TECH TALK/ Verbally destroying a poor African single mother/ Tova gives her ASLRDS, reveals she is an Earth's Joker/ Whang is a Joker and is secretly poor/ Erkwit gives his ASLRDS/ Fisher gives his ALRDS, reveals he is a brony/ Chewie looks like Cab Callow...

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