SALVO is here (sorta.) Destiny is exactly who every single person who ever saw him thought he was. No, I don't just mean a manlet, no not just a hypercuck, nu-uh, not even talking about a living re...


Ian's Content, Anisa's Choice. The Goon to Troon pipeline is unstoppable. IDUBBBZ isn't the way you remember him from when you were 13-years-old. HE'S CHANGED! He's Mr. Jomha now, a slave to Master...

WORLD WAR WEB: ALEX STEIN ๐™—๐™ค๐™ข๐™—๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ

I have full access to Alex Stein's terrible stand up sets, and it's time to leak it all. Alex wrangled his freak show menagerie of comic wannabes all into one horrible show for SXSW, and recorded t...

THOT TOPIC: Boxxy Ruined A Whole Generation Of E-Girls - PODAWFUL PODCAST EO37

Boxxy was the reluctant face of the first e-girl. The unfortunate prototype to something she could have never predicted, and never realized the horrors upon the world she would release. Every gener...


Mersh can't even catch a break in VR Chat. In his wildest fantasies, where he could be anything on Earth or beyond, he instead chooses to be a virtual cat smoking cigarettes and hanging out at McDo...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

AARON IMHOLTE IS HERE! A year ago I caught Steel Toe Morning Show ripping off one of my Goons from me. None other than Mr. Burgers. I couldn't believe my eyes. But now something sinister has started happening, something IMPOSSIBLE, and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I believe Mr. Burgers h...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

In this episode, we dive deep into the intriguing intersections of technology and culture! Join us as we explore the fascinating world of Mersh, the impact of hurricanes on our digital lives, and the role of AI in shaping our future. Weโ€™ll discuss insights from Dr. Egon Cholakian, analyze perspe...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

MOLESTERY SCIENCE TEACHER 3000: My former high school teacher, David Kielbowick, was an odd duck that all the kids laughed at and ridiculed. He couldn't look the kids in the eyes. He had a tremble in his voice. But he was a pretty decent teacher, and I always thought he was ok. Turns out I was wr...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

The news is reporting that Gen Z and Gen Alpha aren't taking 9/11 seriously anymore. They make constant, ironic jokes and memes about that terrible day. How do you make iPad babies NEVER FORGET a day they could never remember to begin with? 5 years ago I predicted this would happen and shelved th...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Mersh has gone TOTALLY BALD! Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show has been arrested, and was on THE NEWS! The Comedy Shaman has entered an uneasy alliance with PODAWFUL after issuing DEATH THREATS to Jesse on Salvo Pancake's stream. We explore Mersh's accidental haircut, speak to a reporter ...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Happy Daddy's Day! And the Father Of The Year Award goes to... literally anyone other than Nick Rekieta. I would rather my dad was a deadbeat than in my life and as LAWtistic as Nick. Nick is turning into one of the Earth's Jokers, replacing his alcoholism with an addiction to... I guess poisonin...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

One little appearance from PODAWFUL on Steel Toe Morning Show set off a chain reaction of events that sent the Mersh Effect into a spiral, unspooled Aaron Imholte's life, exposed Nick Rekieta as a swinger and criminal, breathed a fresh 15 minutes into Alex Stein's career, flared up Dick Masterson...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

The Earth's Jokers are growing in numbers by the day. PPP, Tom Gulley, Mersh, even KEFFALS are now joining their ranks. It's time to look at PATIENT ZERO, Harlan Dale Absher AKA The Santa Cruz Joker, and figure out the symptoms to the terrible disease known as CLOWN SYNDROME? What drives a person...

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