Tag: Parody Song

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

One little appearance from PODAWFUL on Steel Toe Morning Show set off a chain reaction of events that sent the Mersh Effect into a spiral, unspooled Aaron Imholte's life, exposed Nick Rekieta as a swinger and criminal, breathed a fresh 15 minutes into Alex Stein's career, flared up Dick Masterson...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

PORSALIN is here! It's finally August, so you know what that means! MERSH from Nightwave Radio and Revenge Of The Cis promised that by August NOBODY would be able to call him fat anymore. Not Gavin McInnes, not Ryan Katsu Rivera, not Podawful. NOBODY. Of course, that was two Augusts ago. Surely b...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Just in time for Kwanzaa! It's the Pod Awful Holiday Special! With special guests, Andy Warski, Ryan Katsu Rivera, Charles Howell, Kyler, Baked Alaska, The Island Boys, Jonathan Hague, Kays Cooking, Jesse Lee Peterson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Ben Myers, Andrew Yoo, David Rey Martinez, and more! Plus, a...

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