Ruphio Pheonix is now making custom content for PODAWFUL... but does he know it? Apparently Jesse is the Joker to Ruphio's Batman. Speaking of Joker... the Santa Cruz Joker gets henchman'd on live stream and reveals a secret about himself. We get an update on Harlan's legally retarded status, and...
Tag: santa cruz joker
Everyone's Literally Me character has been beaten and humiliated, not only at the box office, but in his clown-hole, too. The Joker was a massive success, so who could see it coming that Joker 2: Folie A Deux would be such a flop? I will give my non-consensual full review of the movie, but first....
The Earth's Jokers are growing in numbers by the day. PPP, Tom Gulley, Mersh, even KEFFALS are now joining their ranks. It's time to look at PATIENT ZERO, Harlan Dale Absher AKA The Santa Cruz Joker, and figure out the symptoms to the terrible disease known as CLOWN SYNDROME? What drives a person...
Former ARCH-ENEMIES are now teaming up to do a show TOGETHER. Tom Gulley is the man I believed had my Youtube Channel taken down, but now he has agreed to audition for the role of co-host of PODAWFUL. The only catch? THERE IS NO JOB. Tom and Jesse laugh about Mersh's dying moments, Mr. Spergers c...
Jesse from Pod Awful paid $50,000 to interview the Santa Cruz Joker about being an online predator, a real world predator, and legally gay and racist. Speaking of gay, what does "gay guy" rhyme with?#santacruzjoker #interview #podawful Pod Awful Is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
- Clips
THE MOST EXPENSIVE EPISODE OF POD AWFUL EVER! The Santa Cruz Joker, seemingly at random, has agreed to an interview after years of me never asking for one or even wanting it. There's just one small catch- he wants to be paid $50,000 for it. After spending the past three months taunting me, beggin...
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
Ethan Ralph, Dick Masterson, Mister Metokur, Santa Cruz Joker, Mersh, Alex Stein all get special deliveries.
I checked the logs. Santa Cruz Joker breaded himself. RSS FEED: YOUTUBE: DISCORD: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: DLIVE: ODYS...
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
- Blog Awful
Santa Cruz Joker claims I never show up to his house. Keeps inviting me to come over, and tells me he has guns and knives waiting for me. Well now I'm taking him up on his offer, and wouldn't you know it? The rapist pedophile with CLOWN SYNDROME ran away from home! RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedbur...
THE LIQUID BURGER CHALLENGE IS ON! Mr. Burgers has chickened out permanently on the only contest guaranteed to allow him to keep the Burger Crown. Or has he? The autism meets the slawtism when Mr. Burgers Express celebrates his birthday and the Pod Awful Cult shows up with presents. And the entir...
Santa Cruz Joker has spent YEARS challenging me to FIND HIM and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. He must be a gluten for punishment, because you'd think getting hit in the face by a homeless loaf on his own livestream, and then being publicly outed as a BREADOPHILE would be enough. Guess not. Harlan has ev...
A certain Goon has managed to evade justice, and still hasn't been placed in Goontanamo Bay. In a TOP SECRET straight op, General Jesse and the platoon use the tools of the DARK FUTURE (UberEats) to do some recon, and triangulate the escaped Goon's coordinates. The mission goes sourdough when our...
For the past week I've been helping to build and organize a brand new website and Pizza Fund for Pod Awful, so I thought I'd show off the new features and enjoy a relaxed stream watching the Santa Cruz Joker... then Mini Manson showed up. Harlan is angry at the Pod Awful Cult for exposing his par...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERSH! Tha Boyz from Revenge Of The Cis are headed to New York City to celebrate Mersh's White Girl Birthday Week. Unfortunately for Mersh, Pod Awful has tagged along. Mersh has his Nightwave Radio audience convinced he's a mafia don, and when the ROTC "On The Road" show from an Ai...
The Santa Cruz Joker responds, TURN OFF YOUR GARBAGE DISPOSAL (Reprise), Lenny takes a pee pee without gloves, Tux goes IRL trolling another member of the cult, Drake is now copying not only Pod Awful, but Mr. Metokur, Nontent Creators, Previewing the NEW Pizza Fund, SECRET TRACK
WHY SO STATUTORY? The Pod Awful Prison has had to open up a whole new bat-wing for the criminally insane and paranormal. The Santa Cruz Joker has been absolutely, 100% confirmed, publicly outed as a PEDO. And who finally took him down? The actual Santa Cruz Batman. I teamed up with Batman to brin...
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! So many SPOOKY Goons in this episode! We have Gay Draculas, Ghost Hunters, A Frankenstein, The Possessed, and the Paranormal! A Pod Awful DOUBLE CREATURE FEATURE: Mersh's Thriller Nightwave and The Santa Cruz Joker's Night Of Long Loaves. Visiting Autism Veteran Michael Wright's ...
An amazing autistic duo of white trash bros reviews cigarettes and a whole bunch of other stuff I'm sure.
LOLCOW. Mersh from Revenge Of The Cis (I mean... Star Wars?) and Nightwave Radio claims he is not a lolcow. In fact, he is so not a lolcow, the very act of making fun of him makes YOU uncool! But if Mersh isn't a lolcow, then why are his teats so milkable? Why does this fatted calf not look out o...
- Tags:
- Mersh
- Santa Cruz Joker
- Parody Song
I baited the Santa Cruz Joker into doing my bidding once again, this time in the form of some Instagram posts. A few simple photos calling out his lies, and sure enough, he starts producing more content-milk for me like a good little lolcow. But suddenly the Goon-teat ran dry, because Harlan had ...
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker