Tag: santa cruz joker

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Everyone's Literally Me character has been beaten and humiliated, not only at the box office, but in his clown-hole, too. The Joker was a massive success, so who could see it coming that Joker 2: Folie A Deux would be such a flop? I will give my non-consensual full review of the movie, but first....

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

The Earth's Jokers are growing in numbers by the day. PPP, Tom Gulley, Mersh, even KEFFALS are now joining their ranks. It's time to look at PATIENT ZERO, Harlan Dale Absher AKA The Santa Cruz Joker, and figure out the symptoms to the terrible disease known as CLOWN SYNDROME? What drives a person...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Former ARCH-ENEMIES are now teaming up to do a show TOGETHER. Tom Gulley is the man I believed had my Youtube Channel taken down, but now he has agreed to audition for the role of co-host of PODAWFUL. The only catch? THERE IS NO JOB. Tom and Jesse laugh about Mersh's dying moments, Mr. Spergers c...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Santa Cruz Joker claims I never show up to his house. Keeps inviting me to come over, and tells me he has guns and knives waiting for me. Well now I'm taking him up on his offer, and wouldn't you know it? The rapist pedophile with CLOWN SYNDROME ran away from home! RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedbur...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

For the past week I've been helping to build and organize a brand new website and Pizza Fund for Pod Awful, so I thought I'd show off the new features and enjoy a relaxed stream watching the Santa Cruz Joker... then Mini Manson showed up. Harlan is angry at the Pod Awful Cult for exposing his par...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MERSH! Tha Boyz from Revenge Of The Cis are headed to New York City to celebrate Mersh's White Girl Birthday Week. Unfortunately for Mersh, Pod Awful has tagged along. Mersh has his Nightwave Radio audience convinced he's a mafia don, and when the ROTC "On The Road" show from an Ai...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! So many SPOOKY Goons in this episode! We have Gay Draculas, Ghost Hunters, A Frankenstein, The Possessed, and the Paranormal! A Pod Awful DOUBLE CREATURE FEATURE: Mersh's Thriller Nightwave and The Santa Cruz Joker's Night Of Long Loaves. Visiting Autism Veteran Michael Wright's ...

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