Tag: Nick Rekieta

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

After a rollercoaster ride of a weekend, Ethan Ralph has been killing it, doing a heel-turn on his friends, and a face-turn on his foes. But people are once again accusing Ralph of being drunk or on pills, saying it's been a total shitshow. I will save Ralph even if it means going to extreme meas...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Ethan Ralph is out of rehab, sober as a judge, and trying to turn over a new leaf. In that vein, he's invited Jesse on his show to pump some life back into the Sektur, after PODAWFUL killed it over a year ago.But there is a new foe on the horizon. A big foreheaded, tarantula controlled, manboobie...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Sam Hyde had KATTAN on his podcast at Skankfest to do a classic REDEMPTION ARC. ROTC never advertise their live shows out of FEAR. The return of KALIBUR. PODAWFUL Costume Contest. Nick Rekieta is either puppeteering the corpse of April Imholte, or she has become his new Wife-In-Law. We watch a mi...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Happy Daddy's Day! And the Father Of The Year Award goes to... literally anyone other than Nick Rekieta. I would rather my dad was a deadbeat than in my life and as LAWtistic as Nick. Nick is turning into one of the Earth's Jokers, replacing his alcoholism with an addiction to... I guess poisonin...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

One little appearance from PODAWFUL on Steel Toe Morning Show set off a chain reaction of events that sent the Mersh Effect into a spiral, unspooled Aaron Imholte's life, exposed Nick Rekieta as a swinger and criminal, breathed a fresh 15 minutes into Alex Stein's career, flared up Dick Masterson...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

The Dick Show, Revenge Of The Cis, Ethan Ralph, Rekieta Law , Ryan Long, and Madcucks all under one roof! THE GOON EVENT OF THE CENTURY! Mersh should be riding so high right now, but he's spending his Nightwave Radio streams defending the size of the Road Rage Tampa live audience, and LYING about...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Nick Rekieta is here! I am being sued by the FAKE Mr. Burgers, Jesse Radin, for $35,000 in lost wages and emotional damages. Even worse, he is trying to sue me for ONE TRILLION DOLLARS by starting a class action lawsuit with Asterios, Maddox, and my arch-nemesis, Katie Lynn Donahue. In order to f...

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