HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Disappointing dads everywhere are kids buying Heath Ledger Halloween costumes, and posting themselves doing terrible impressions of their disturbed hero online. But where do the Earth's Jokers come from? Well after a bit of research the answer came to me, and it was obvious al...
Tag: santa cruz joker
We wrap up watching Ian Ellis' pornbombing himself, cover a single Mersh video for 6 hours, and somehow the Santa Cruz Joker shows up.
The Santa Cruz Joker like so many GOONS thought it was safe to come out and play when Pod Awful got kicked off of Youtube. He's been opening up new rent-free additions to the Pod Awful Penthouse inside his mind. Meanwhile, his former friend and current bread-delivery-man, Driftwood, got into a fi...
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
Intro/ The Santa Cruz Joker has fat privilege/ wrestling is gay/ SCJ>Adam driver, objectively/ update on the $376 dispute with Mersh/ Mersh has a cleft head and can't handle money/ font chat/ we hatch a plan to crash Dick Masterson's meet up in Ybor city/ Mersh sings "pod awful won"/ Michael W...
Shalyn's new home/ A Native American gets rid of the bad juju/ Shalyn and Gregory Von Twinkle's insane relationship/ The decimated men in Shalyn's wake/ Stoody and Kaylee make Corey feel weird/ Shalyn accused GVT of stalking/ Santa Cruz Joker's movie trailer/ BFart's new cupholder/ Mr. Burgers th...
Real Nightwave Hours/ James has a puppet for some reason/ Mersh is now "BIG DICK DADDY"/ A benchmarks and milestones pissing match/ Mersh "tours" with Doug Stanhope/ Mersh goes out with adult men/Richard McMurray gives a shoutout/ GetTipsy gives his ASLRDS/ Master Studios reveals the real name of...
Ruphileaks has ruined my sleep schedule/ TECH TALK/ Verbally destroying a poor African single mother/ Tova gives her ASLRDS, reveals she is an Earth's Joker/ Whang is a Joker and is secretly poor/ Erkwit gives his ASLRDS/ Fisher gives his ALRDS, reveals he is a brony/ Chewie looks like Cab Callow...
Trump has the kahunavirus/ Tech Talk/ Teddy Vanson's family reacts to him being paranormally investigated/ Pranking a crystal skull man/ Jesse's new song/ Santa Cruz Joker responds/ Hansen Vs. Joker/ The perfect chili/ Jalapenos are for baby women/ Re-ranking the Earth's Jokers/ Catching Pizza Cr...
The Santa Cruz Joker Show has been trying for FIVE MONTHS to get me to talk about him. Desperately trying everything to goad me into it. Starting a podcast, constantly talking about me, continuing to look like the biggest idiot on the internet, and yet, I prevailed... until now. I've realized so ...
Mersh from Revenge of The Cis and Dick Masterson have both decided that filing DMCA claims against people who steal your content is what FLAGGOTS do. Now I'm left reconsidering this whole copyright thing. Clearly Mersh and Dick think it is cool for you to reupload their paywalled content, so I fi...
NICK REKIETA IS HERE! Years ago I revealed that FAMOUS INTERNET LAWYER from Lawsplaining the Interwebs, Nick Rekieta, had worn black face at a Halloween party. Well now I feel terrible for it, so I've invited Nick on to apologize to him, and I've brought a gift! We do an unboxing of a doll I had ...
Driftwood and Igglybuff call me late at night to tell me the Joker wants to fight them and expose them for being gay. We uncover a plot to expand the Legion of Goon.
I forgot to advertise Joker shirts again on the show. I'm really not a good salesman.https://www.belowthecollar.com/tshirt-stores/podcast-tees/podawful/pod-awful-vs-the-joker.html
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
The Santa Cruz Joker has unspooled. After posting on Twitter that he is a pedophile, and that tweet going viral, Harlan has spun out of control. He's decided this is all the fault of Chris Hansen from To Catch A Predator, all because I paid Hansen to do a Cameo saying he was going to bust the San...
Jamie Lynn Hughes, the former News Babe of The Dick Show, and the current News Babe of Pod Awful, helps me cover stories ranging from semen smoothies to The Santa Cruz Joker admitting he's a pedophile. Unfortunately, when Jamie signs off, she leaves behind her e-diary which is FILLED with EMBARRA...
The SANTA CRUZ JOKER just can't keep me off his mind. I guess because I am living there RENT FREE. I haven't spoken to him or about him for weeks, yet the other day he made a 9 minute Instagram story about me "ruining his life." So just when I thought I was done with him, it is time to go into ev...
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
The DRUNKEN PEASANTS made fun of THE SANTA CRUZ JOKER's embarrassing livestream fight, so now Harlan is calling out T.J. KIRK (AKA THE AMAZING ATHEIST) to come and fight him. There's just one problem... T.J. doesn't host The Drunken Peasants anymore. Once again The Joker has been made to look lik...
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
- Primo
- Mr. Burgers
The Santa Cruz Joker thought it would be a good idea to livestream himself provoking a fight between himself and his former friend Driftwood. He was wrong. After 20 minutes of singing, dancing, teasing, and taunting, Joker gets the crap kicked out of him by Driftwood... and then gets beat up agai...
- Tags:
- Santa Cruz Joker
- Driftwood
The Santa Cruz Joker gets beat up live, and the Dregs Of Society were there for an amazing moment in history. Congrats to Driftwood.
- Tags:
- World War
- Santa Cruz Joker
Mike David from Redbar Radio received a DISTURBING email that was mostly about me, Jesse, the Greatest Guy. But it was NOT KIND. In fact it was a bit THREATENING. I've received tons of death threats from the likes of Bob Hickman, Santa Cruz Joker, Mr. Burgers, and more, but this one is particular...