CLOWN SYNDROME 5: Ruphio Pheonix Is Batman - POD AWFTER SHOW EO41
Ruphio Pheonix is now making custom content for PODAWFUL... but does he know it? Apparently Jesse is the Joker to Ruphio's Batman. Speaking of Joker... the Santa Cruz Joker gets henchman'd on live stream and reveals a secret about himself. We get an update on Harlan's legally retarded status, and Chewie reveals he has destroyed another man's family.
Great awfter sho
Why do Eric Martin and Ruphio have front teeth missing? Probably to be more effective blowjob artist. Heβs WRONG! We need more bullying, to combat all the trans/ gender confused, hypersensitive pussies.
Really its a wonder Chewie has survived this long to live an adult life.