My Review of JOKER 2: An INCELebration πŸƒ- PODAWFUL PODCAST EO23

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Everyone's Literally Me character has been beaten and humiliated, not only at the box office, but in his clown-hole, too. The Joker was a massive success, so who could see it coming that Joker 2: Folie A Deux would be such a flop? I will give my non-consensual full review of the movie, but first... Chick-Fil-A has fallen, and only an autistic Lady Gaga fan can save the day, the Santa Cruz Joker somehow saw Joker 2 and completely missed his hero getting thrown over a pinball machine like Jodie Foster, Harlan has been arrested for ELDER ABUSE (is he beating his mom?), Miss Jay Joker Fan pulls a "I'm Da Joker, Baby" moment, Corridor Digital released a PODAWFUL-esque video about Dark Future AI and ur founder, Dr. Egon Cholakian, I predicted Lady Gaga being in the Joker with a parody of "Poker Face," and the Joker turns you trans.

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James Quinn

He tries to sound so badass while MANSPLAINING proper M-U-S-I-C-A-L-S! β€œMy Fair Lady?!” (what a gigaChad). I was thinking he was going to despise joker2 like everyone else. The singing is what turned people away from it. That’s what he seemed to like about it. Except Lady Gaga of course. Ewww! Girls. I hope he’s proven retarded in court so he will be the most decorated goon having been proven gay and racist before! I’m finally happy about SOMETHING COOL this year :0

Reply to Comment. Posted on Oct 14 2024 at 04:01PM UTC.
James Quinn

He will just say hahahaha I tricked the judge into THINKING I’m retarded to get off the hook! And now I’m just like the joker2 for another reason- going to court/ thrown in jail this year. Also he’s a gay pedophile who likes to go out at night looking for homeless bums to have sex with. Yaaaay!

Reply to Comment. Posted on Oct 14 2024 at 04:11PM UTC.

Loved the small pixies reference. STOP.


Reply to Comment. Posted on Oct 15 2024 at 11:16AM UTC.

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