podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Legal Cheese Pizza, a thought experiment/ Master Studios: Fat Man In A Tiny Hat Halloween/ Kay and the raccoons/ Asterios Kokkinos life is over/ Dick Masterson's worst year/ Revenge Of The Cis interviews Dick Masterson while starstruck/ ROTC is gay/ Fuck Dick Masterson, the liar/ Fuck Royce and M...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

I'm depressed/ Milkshakes/ Racist McDonald's/ Burger King is for poor people/ Women can't see peanuts/ George Washington Carver invents Peanut Slobber/ Charles Howell's son wants to be a trucker and made a hilarious video/ Bob Hickman gives me a shoutout/ WIKI ENTRIES: Charles Howell | Ghost Rule...

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