Daddy tries to get a handle on the kids and tell them about the new Youtube Hater named Crazyloof. He also gives some new info on new doofus "Train Genitals," including that he is a criminal! The show ends with calls to #CUMTITSGATE Steph's parents! Plus visits from a lot of goons on the way. YEARP!
TEENZ CHOICEZ AWARDZ 2015'Z! DJ Jizzy Piss and MC CAPSLOCK host the only annual awards show for teen gurlz. The nominees include Deleon Alonso Smith, who shot himself while taking a selfie; Michelle Carter, who drover her boyfriend to suicide; Adrian Gonzalez, who tried to recycle a white girl; a...
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DAVID REY MARTINEZ is here! #CUMTITSGATE! A listener of the show decided it would be a good idea to post her cum-soaked tits in our Facebook group, and Jesse and listener James made sure she knew it was a terrible idea. Especially when her DAD SAW THESE PICTURES.
TOM RICARDO is here! Jesse and the Chazzers have been up to no good trolling a bizarre Facebook Group for Ceiling Fan Lovers. Jesse, Tom, and listener Joe Peg prank call some "FANatics" with a round of "So Uhhh..." Plus Jesse's roommate, "Shadow Tom," gets shadow f& from the show... again.
- Tags:
- Shadow Tom
- Tom Ricardo
- Prank Calls
DADDY'S DAY! JESSE'S DAD is here! Jesse interviews his father about what it was like growing up in the racist, homophobic 1950's, and how things are different today. Jesse also reveals a shocking secret to his dad. Later, an exclusive clip from Jesse and David's trip to the Mermaid Parade to see ...
- Tags:
- Daddy's Day
- Mermaid Parade
9/11 CRASHTACULAR! [NEVER FORGET] BORIS KHAYKIN is here! Boris brought some guy named Nick. We celebrate the 9/11 Terror Attacks by investigating the #truth. Jesse calls the NSA about dick pics. Donate to our Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams Kickstarter. All the guys prank call a place that stores...
- Tags:
- 9/11
- Boris Khaykin
- Prank Calls
TRISTAN STARCHILD AND DARK GABLE are here! Jesse tricked terrible white rapper Tristan into thinking he was being interviewed on the real radio by JCru on Hot 97. What follows is a heart pounding, laugh a minute in depth interview of the man most bullied by Pod Awful!