ETHAN RALPH: Pound Of Flesh (w/ Ethan, Vito, and Milo) - PODAWFUL PODCAST EO35

Playlist: Season Ephemera Obscuraβ„’
ETHAN RALPH: Pound Of Flesh (w/ Ethan, Vito, and Milo) - PODAWFUL PODCAST EO35
podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

ETHAN RALPH, MILO YIANNOPOULOS, and VITO GESUALDI are here! When you look up the stupid, over-used zoomer term "crashing out" in the dictionary, there is a picture of Ethan Ralph next to it. The Ragepig is a force that brings destruction behind him wherever he goes. In this episode, Ethan destroys Dick Masterson, and somehow uses Dick's own co-host, Vito, to do it. Ethan reveals he has seen the Juju The Cow fetish with his own eyes, joins Jesse in revealing Dick's murderous connection to Greg Sestero from "The Room", trounces Vito with a little help from Milo, and even manages to stay Sober As A Judge while doing it. What happens when an Unstoppable Pig meets an Immovable Cow?

PODAWFUL is an anti-podcast hosted by Jesse P-S