Moon Base Update

I just want to say thanks to the Pizza Funders who have stuck with me for the past 4 months. I hit a lot of speedbumps along the way in upgrading the Moon Base, including getting deathly sick multiple times and getting terminated from Youtube AGAIN.
For everyone who has hung on, thanks. I hated not getting shows done regularly, and have so much to catch up on. To those who stayed in the Pizza Fund, any level, the whole 4 months since the last update, I have a gift coming to you.
My next step is to build out the Bullystation® desk, and once that is complete, I'll be basically 80% there. Everything else is just figuring out the electronics, and getting the small details done and dialed in.
I am shooting for early in January to begin NEXT SEASON (name still to be revealed). I will just go ahead and start doing shows again, officially, with cameras and the whole deal, once I am at 90% done. So the first few shows may be a little rocky and have some seams showing, but will still be better than any Jabronistreamer or Pod Kitchen with a Kid Sister cohost out there.
I'll probably do a few Pizza Fund only test streams leading up to the big premiere as well. Keep your eyes on the cult for announcements.
Really can't thank you guys enough. I have been pouring these Pizza Funds into everything, and am still buying equipment even today to make the funniest show online.
You guys are alright. Don't go on the internet tomorrow.
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- Blog Awful
Can't wait to see the new moon base and I hope it remains uncopied.
Yeah, that’s based.
H2bh: The Show has held me during the upgrade.. but I am excited, very excited to see all of what's to come.
o7's in chat. Le'skiddit! A thousand years of Awful! ®️™️
hey stinky good luck hope it all is exactly as your chaotiuc litttle heart dreamed it up.
Can’t wait to see the end resolve of all your hard work I just know the new season will be the best one yet!