AWFULWEEN 2020: The God Entered My Body Mobile - POD AWFUL PODCAST I96

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Bob Hickman AKA God Entered My Body Like A Body Same Size is selling his insane Bobmobiles, and I want to buy them. A new Chills Top 4 list. Spooky Charles has been spooked off of the internet. Ted Van Son's LGBTParanormal Investigation continues, this time on Ghost Nation, where Ted is laying down some new Ghost Rules with a spectral slave girl. A SPECIAL SURPRISE INTERVIEW with someone from Paranormal Survivor! A ghost hunting team with an EERIE connection to Nightwave's Mersh! The completely CURSED world of Soup Porter and Merle. PLUS: A Halloween costume contest with FABULOUS PRIZES!