Tag: Kays Good Cooking

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Just in time for Kwanzaa! It's the Pod Awful Holiday Special! With special guests, Andy Warski, Ryan Katsu Rivera, Charles Howell, Kyler, Baked Alaska, The Island Boys, Jonathan Hague, Kays Cooking, Jesse Lee Peterson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Ben Myers, Andrew Yoo, David Rey Martinez, and more! Plus, a...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Checking out the chair specs/ Charles Howell's thoughts on poetry/ Other people discovering Kay/ The internet does not deserve comedy/ Mersh sniffed bones so hard he deleted a ton of his videos/ Mersh is sensitive over Redbar/ Mersh speaks whalesong/ Corey is cucked by Stoody/ Mersh tells his sid...

podawful, pod awful, jesse ps, jesse p-s

Legal Cheese Pizza, a thought experiment/ Master Studios: Fat Man In A Tiny Hat Halloween/ Kay and the raccoons/ Asterios Kokkinos life is over/ Dick Masterson's worst year/ Revenge Of The Cis interviews Dick Masterson while starstruck/ ROTC is gay/ Fuck Dick Masterson, the liar/ Fuck Royce and M...

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